Baechoo and Bobo People prob need at least two cars here in Austin, Texas. 1 for family and the other one is for the commute. :) Public transportation is so poor here so we have no choice. Hope you guys staying tough and in shape! Lifes in USA/LifeLogs 2020.07.01
The retrospective meeting. I had a meeting today called 'retrospective meeting' which I never had it before in Korea. The subject of the meeting was simple. After making the release of some specific version, we usually discuss how to make it better on the next version of the release. We could say something in that meeting relates to the questions such as 'what went wrong, what did we good, how could we make this better' s.. Lifes in USA/Company 2020.07.01
Unreal Engine 4 - Photorealistic Graphic What the heck is this... No idea how does this even works... Hmm.... Think Over/Reviews 2020.06.30
Getting a new home. 11.05.2020 1st week in Austin, we finally got an apartment there. When we're back in S.Korea, we booked some sort of hotel for like 10 days or so. That means after that 10 days, we need to extend to stay in the hotel more or should find somewhere else to live in. This was very first week, and we didn't know anything about this city, so we couldn't buy a house. We had to find some temporary place.. Lifes in USA/LifeLogs 2020.06.30
Dallas to Austin. 11.02.2020 We landed at DFS Airport. It took almost 4 hours for us to make out of the airport. So it's already dark when we step out of the airport. The air was cool. We spent a night at Dallas, and the next day, we headed to Austin, where we might gonna live for the next 10 years or so. The sky was too clear so even the sunshine was too strong. I was just nervous and could feel my heart was bea.. Lifes in USA/LifeLogs 2020.06.30
Leaving Incheon airport. 10.31.2020 We're leaving from Incheon airport and home to the unknown... Not sure when could come back anyway this is the first step toward the most huge challenge of my life. Sometime things could get worse but I will probably be ok. I have my family with me and am trying to enjoy all this with them. Well, let's see! Lifes in USA/LifeLogs 2020.06.30
[스크랩] 감동, '신인왕 후보' 맷 더피 씀, 김민구 옮김 출처 : 너무 좋은 칼럼이 있어 번역하였습니다. 전설의 아라스님, 승훈이형이 the Players Tribune 기사를 소개해 주었구요, 내용이 너무 좋아 오늘 더블헤더 + 이제 의자에 앉지 마라는 의사권유 모두 무시하고 옮겼습니다. [The New Kid] 새 학교에서의 첫날이었다. 다만 한가지, ‘새 학교’란 샌프란시스코 자이언츠였다. 내가 빅리그로 막 콜업을 받았을 때였다. 나는 뉴욕 씨티필드의 원정팀 클럽하우스 안으로 걸어들어갔다. 당신도 느낀 적이 있을 것이다; 무릎은 후들거리고, 속은 울렁거리며 – 매 발걸음이.. 카테고리 없음 2015.09.16
삶의 의미란 무엇일까. 뜬금없지만 이런 생각을 해 본다. 난 왜 사는가. 무엇을 목표로 사는가. 동물과 나는 무엇이 다른가. 오늘 죽는다면 스스로에 대한 어떤 아쉬움을 가질 것인가. 어떤점이 나로하여금 다른 동식물보다 우월한 존재로 규정짓고 살게하는가. 혹은 아닌가. '후회하지 않기 위해 현재에 최선을 다한다'라는 여지껏 내 슬로건이었던 이 명제는 과연 위 질문에 답이 되어왔을까. 아이가 훗날 이런질문을 하면 난 무어라 얘기해 줘야 아이가 이해할까. 그 스스로의 삶을 소중히 하며 아낄까. 지금 내가 하고 있는 수많은 시간을 들여 해 나가는 일들이 이 가치를 투영하는 것들인가. 아니면 아까운 시간만 소비하고 있을까.. 그런가... 그렇지 않은가... 어떤가.... 그래서 지금 재정의 한다. 타인의 존재 이유는 감히 알지 못한다... Think Over/Life is... 2014.06.09