Took a long time to make my mind to buy this.
I have some skepticism about the productivity of this, but I am a kind of behavior-oriented guy and still, there's an option to sell it again when it is not good enough. So I bought this.
And.. turns out it's much better than i expected!
This looks way better than I thought on every side.
The productivity looks good as well.
So I don't think i need to change my cell phone because of this.
많이 망설이다 샀다.
효용성에 의문이 많았지만
계속 쟤기만 하는것보단 얼렁 써보고 아니다 싶음 팔아버리자 하고 질렀다.
근데 생각보다 좋다 흐.
원래 아이패드가 이런거였나 싶을 정도로
활용도가 높고 좋다.
폰 바꿀 필요가 없어졌어! ㅋㅋ
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