Work & Programming/System Design

[Behavioral Pattern] - Command

자전거통학 2024. 5. 16. 09:11



/ Design Patterns / Behavioral Patterns Command Also known as: Action, Transaction Intent Command is a behavioral design pattern that turns a request into a stand-alone object that contains all information about the request. This transformation lets you p



Dependency Inversion 의 핵심과 같은 패턴. 


모듈 내 특정 상황에 맞는 행동을 설정된 외부 객체에 의해 control 하도록 한다.



 - level에 따라 다른 스킬이 발동되는 tower/캐릭터 모듈. 

 - 버튼 생성시 부여되는 버튼 클릭 액션 정의 및 설정.



예제 코드 

public interface ICommand
    void Execute();

public class XMLLoader : ICommand
    public void Execute() 
        Console.WriteLine("XML has been loaded.");
public class JsonLoader : ICommand
    public void Execute() 
        Console.WriteLine("Json has been loaded.");

public class FlexibleLoader
    ICommand _cmdExecute;

    public void SetLoader(ICommand cmd) { _cmdExecute = cmd; }

    public void Execute()
        if(_cmdExecute is ICommand)
            Console.WriteLine("Need to init.");

internal class CommandDemo
    public void Run()
        FlexibleLoader loader = new FlexibleLoader();
        loader.SetLoader(new XMLLoader());