Work & Programming/System Design

[Behavioral Pattern] - Chain Of Responsibility

자전거통학 2024. 5. 16. 05:45


Chain of Responsibility

/ Design Patterns / Behavioral Patterns Chain of Responsibility Also known as: CoR, Chain of Command Intent Chain of Responsibility is a behavioral design pattern that lets you pass requests along a chain of handlers. Upon receiving a request, each handle



특정 메시지 혹은 이벤트 등을 관련 있는 모두에서 전달하며, 알아서 처리하게 하는 방식.




 - Dialog 등이 겹겹이 있을 때, device back button을 누를 때.

 - Dialog component 안에서 색 변경을 눌러 관련 컴포넌트의 변화를 만들 때. 


예제 코드 

public abstract class ABackButtonHandler
    protected ABackButtonHandler _nextHandler;

    public void SetNextHandler(ABackButtonHandler next)
        _nextHandler = next;
    public abstract void OnBackButtonPressed();

public class MessageDialog : ABackButtonHandler
    public override void OnBackButtonPressed()
        if(_nextHandler != null)
            // DO OWN thing..   - close this dialog?

public class NormalDialog : ABackButtonHandler
    public override void OnBackButtonPressed()
        if(_nextHandler != null)
            // DO OWN thing.. - close this dialog ?

public class MainView : ABackButtonHandler
    public override void OnBackButtonPressed()
        if(_nextHandler != null)
            // DO OWN thing..   - show message? "Would you want to close the app?"

internal class ChainOfResponsibilityDemo
    public void Run()
        MainView _view = new MainView();
        NormalDialog _dlg = new NormalDialog();
        MessageDialog _msgDlg = new MessageDialog();





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