Work & Programming/System Design

[Behavioral Pattern] - State

자전거통학 2024. 5. 16. 10:18



Use the State pattern when you have an object that behaves differently depending on its current state, the number of states is enormous, and the state-specific code changes frequently. The pattern suggests that you extract all state-specific code into a se


특정 모듈의 상태를 하나의 객에 안에서 통합처리하는 것이 아닌, 각자의 상태 객체에서 처리를 전담하게 한다. 




 - Music Player 

 - Mini Game state Processor 


예제 코드

public interface IState
    IState Work();

public class LoadingState : IState
    public IState Work()
        // workA, workA
        // return next step
        return new PlayState();
public class PlayState : IState
    public IState Work()
        return new EndState();
public class EndState : IState
    public IState Work()
        return new LoadingState();

public class MiniStateGame
    IState _curState, _nextState;

    public void SetState(IState state)
        _curState = state;
        _nextState = _curState.Work();

internal class StateDemo
    public void Run()
        MiniStateGame game = new MiniStateGame();
        game.SetState(new LoadingState());

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