Work & Programming/System Design

[Structural Pattern] - Adapter

자전거통학 2024. 5. 15. 10:20



/ Design Patterns / Structural Patterns Adapter Also known as: Wrapper Intent Adapter is a structural design pattern that allows objects with incompatible interfaces to collaborate. Problem Imagine that you’re creating a stock market monitoring app. The


서로 다른 두개의 객체의 interface를 보완하여 사용하게 해 줌. 


 - XMLData : XMLTOJsonAdapter : JsonAdapter

 - Legacy version of Printer : PrinterVersionAdapter : Printer



예제 코드 

public class LegacyJson
    public void AddData(string key)
    public int GetData(int key) { return 0;}

// Responsible.
public class JsonAdaptor
    LegacyJson _legacyJson;

    public JsonAdaptor(LegacyJson target)
        _legacyJson = target;
    public void AddData(string key, int temp)
        // key & data transform.
    public int GetData(string key)
        int id;
        if(int.TryParse(key, out id))
            return _legacyJson.GetData(id);
        return 0;

public class AdapterDemo
    public void Run()
        LegacyJson oldJson = new LegacyJson();
        JsonAdaptor jsonAdaptor = new JsonAdaptor(oldJson);
        jsonAdaptor.AddData("key", 10);
        Console.WriteLine( jsonAdaptor.GetData("key") );